Team Oahu E

Team Oahu E
Urban Corps

Monday, July 25, 2011

All Pau!

Uncle Clay's House Of Pure Aloha :-)

Uncle Clay living his childhood dream :-D

Bronson, Uncle Clay's nephew and co-founder of H.O.P.A.

A              L              O              H              A

H                O                P                A

Spreading Aloha one shave ice at a time.

Thank you Uncle Clay and Bronson for letting of visit and showing us all how a socially responsible business can be successful!
"Live your dreams!"

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Kalani High School

We started this week off by helping Stephen Kow at Kalani High School.
We cleared Koa Haole from their garden areas...

worked on planter cans...

met the local residents...

stacked cans of compost...


and decorated bricks for Kalani High School's peace garden.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Kawainui Marsh

We spent our fourth week at Kawainui Marsh and it is such a beautiful place to work. On the first day our site manager Doc Burrows gave us an awesome lesson on the history of Ulupo Heiau and the Kailua Ahupua'a. We spent most of our time opening up a lo'i and using the mud to build up the stick bridge surrounding it. 

Great job Team Mixed Plate and a special thanks to Doc Burrows!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Kako'o 'Oiwi

Oahu E worked with Kako'o 'Oiwi during our third week. We spent most of our time clearing out California grass to help restore the lo'i. We used the chunks of mud and roots to build a wall on one side of the lo'i. 
History lesson.


Digging out the invasive grass.

Not bad for a days work in a beautiful place.

The lo'i wall that Oahu E built up.

Lo'i #1

Lo'i #2 and #3

Water samples...

and more water samples ;)